
We have made all possible efforts to trace references of texts and activities to their authors and give them the necessary credits. We apologise for any omissions and will be pleased to correct them in the next edition.

We would like to express our gratitude to all those involved in the organisations whose practices are described in this work, namely:

  • Merdjan Jakupov (Amaro Foro, Germany),
  • Ionut Stan (Gypsy Eye, Romania),
  • Bozena Karvelene (Roma Integration House, Lithuania),
  • Liliya Makaveeva (Integro Association,  Bulgaria),
  • Miroslav Broz (Konexe, Czech Republic),
  • Elizabeta Lakosil and Nicholas Paddison (Institute MOVIT, Slovenia),
  • Oein DeBhairduin (LGBT Pave Point, Ireland),
  • Laure Dewitte (Cooperative Mandacaru and Fundação António Silva Leal, Portugal),
  • Brian Belton (Roma Support Group, United Kingdom),
  • Simona Torotcoi and Gabriela Hrabranova (RomaReact, International project),
  • Mustafa Jakupov (RRoma, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”),
  • Elena Neshovska and Fatma Bajram (Sumnal, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”),
  • Jonathan Mack (ternYpe international Roma youth network).


This work is the result of the co-operation between the Youth Department and the Romed and Romact Programmes of the Council of Europe.


Roma Youth Participation in Action

Roma youth participation: good practices, from the local to the European level


Contributors: Alexandra Raykova, Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez, Nik Paddison, Brian Belton

Editors: Nik Paddison, Mara Georgescu

Project assistant: Denis Durmish


The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Council of Europe.


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All other correspondence concerning this document should be addressed to the Youth Department of the Council of Europe:

European Youth Centre Strasbourg

30, rue Pierre de Coubertin

F- 67075 Strasbourg Cedex – France


© Council of Europe, 2015

Proofreading: Rachel Appleby