Supporting the emergence of a new generation of Roma youth leaders and for strengthening Roma youth participation and the sustainability of Roma youth organisations

The Roma Youth Academy was a project set up to support the participation of young Roma people and the sustainability of their organisations.

The Roma Youth Academy was designed as a consolidated response to support Roma youth organisations and Roma youth work in combating and overcoming the consequences of antigypsyism and promoting the participation and social inclusion of young Roma. The academy was envisaged as a multiyear educational and support programme for young Roma who could become mobilisers of other young people in their communities, bridging the gap between training of multiplies and community actors in Roma communities at the local level.

The initiative was based on multidisciplinary training programme complemented with a practice phase where participants are expected to take par in some of the following features of the academy: seminars, e-learning, mentoring, project development and implementation, etc. The Roma Youth Academy should be an incubator of ideas and actions, whose success is measured against their results in the local communities from where participants come.

The concept of the Roma Youth Academy was first developed for, and is part of, the Council of Europe Thematic Action Plan on the Inclusion of Roma and Travellers, specifically for the objective of strengthening the self-organisation of young Roma and Travellers and their participation in society.

As part of the working process for the finalisation of the concept of the academy, a feasibility study has been conducted to better identify all the conditions and requirements of the academy.

A consultative meeting to review the draft concept and prepare the pilot phase was held in Budapest on 21 and 22 November 2016.

The project was later discontinued with the closing of the Roma Youth Action Plan.

Draft concept of the Roma Youth Academy >>

Consultative meeting report for the development of the Roma youth academy >>

Feasibility study of the draft concept for the Roma youth academy >>