Environmentally friendly centre

The EYCB guests are invited to contribute actively to the protection of the environment and natural resources. The EYCB provides facilities for selective waste disposal with containers for recycling paper, plastic and glass. They are located on:

  • ground floor opposite the Reception  
  • 3rd floor in the staircase
  • 4th floor next to the lift.


Do not put batteries in the bins! Please return used batteries to Reception, where they will be disposed of as special waste, avoiding the risk of contaminating the ground water.

Electricity and gas

To save electricity and gas please consider:

  • Deactivating the lights in your room by taking your key card out whenever you leave your room
  • Turning off the lights when you are the last to leave a meeting or leisure time room.
  • Turning the heating down instead of opening the window; turning the heating off when you open the window for airing.
  • Using the stairs instead of the lift – this is also healthy!
  • Keeping doors and windows closed in air-conditioned areas.


To save paper you can:

  • Limit the number of photocopies, only making as many as you really need; make sure you know the number of participants and in which language you need the copies before you start copying.
  • Read the instructions for the photocopier before using it to avoid making unnecessary copies, and make double-sided copies whenever possible
  • Do not print emails unless it is absolutely necessary; make sure you print only the part you need.
  • Throw wastepaper in the special recycling bins, which can be found beside the photocopy machines.


In accordance with the EYCB’s water- and energy-saving policy, towels and bathmats are changed only at your request. If you wish your towels and bathmat to be changed, please leave them on the bathroom floor or in the bathtub; fresh ones will be provided. 

Please follow these suggestions and apply them while you are at the EYCB. Ideally, you can also take these ideas back home and share them with others. Thank you for your contribution towards protecting the environment!


Guests and participants are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.
Water dispensers are available on the ground floor and on the 4th floor,where these bottles can be refilled.
To save water you can:

  • • have a shower instead of taking a bath.
  • • turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  • • inform Reception immediately about dripping taps, running toilets, etc.
  • • when using the washing machine, share with others to make up a full load or use the half-load option.
  • • get fresh towels only when you need them, following the instructions in the bathrooms.
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