Back Right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, a young activist perspective

Right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, a young activist perspective

From the 27th of May till the 2nd of June 2024 the Youth Department in cooperation with Youth Environment Europe andYeghvard “ NGO is hosting the study session “Right to a Healthy Environment, a young activist perspective” in the European Youth Centre of Budapest. The activity gathers 30 young activists, youth workers to explore together the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right and the process of its recognition within the Council of Europe.

The study session gives special attention to the Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)20 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on human rights and the protection of the environment and see how they, as young people, support the recognition  and the realisation of the recommendation.

 Participants have been passionate in discussing the current realities in their communities, challenges they are facing in protecting the environment and what would the recognition of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right would mean for young people in Europe and its influence on the rest of the world.

 The study session has been joined by Amy Jacobsen – Legal Counsel at Greenpeace International and Representative of Greenpeace at the Conference of INGOs and to the Council of Europe Experts Committee on Environment and Human Rights (CDDH-ENV) to explore why the topic is so crucial. She also has presented the Cure campaign and the The Global Coalition for the Right to a Healthy Environment: Making History & Protecting Our Collective Future to as a means of best practices and ways for young people to get involved.

Participants are not only calling Member States to action, but also will be engaging in the creation of a toolkit to support other NGOs in mainstreaming the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a human right and utilising different tools to enhance its recognition across Europe. 

 For detailed information on the study session visit the dedicated page.

European Youth Centre Budapest 31 May 2024
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