
A qualitative assessment is carried out before the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres can be awarded. The criteria are designed to give youth centres the impetus to improve their offer to young people and the youth sector.
Five basic eligibility criteria need to be fulfilled before the centre is considered for assessment.

The centre must:

  • aim to serve the youth sector and young people;
  • have in-house educational staff competent in non-formal education;
  • have accommodation facilities within one campus with the working facilities;
  • cooperate with public authorities;
  • promote international co-operation within the youth sector;

Once the eligibility criteria have been met, the centre must meet additional criteria. The assessment covers in total 15 criteria with indicators which measure the extent to which the candidate center fulfills the standards.

To learn more about the criteria and the indicators, please have a look at the Brochure - The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres.


The procedure assumes that the applicant centre is willing to develop the quality of its offer to young people to meet the standard defined by the criteria. The Youth Department of the Council of Europe, and the expert group responsible for the Quality Label, will support the candidate centre in identifying the considerations and actions it needs to make in order to achieve the quality standard.

 Further information and contact

For further information, please contact the Youth Department of the Council of Europe at:

Secretariat for the Quality Label for Youth Centres Programme
European Youth Centre Budapest

Zivatar utca 1-3
1024 Budapest, Hungary
Tel + 36 1 438 1030