The annual training session for the educational staff of the youth centres in the Quality Label network was introduced in 2015 with the main purpose to further support youth centres, labelled or in the process, to develop the quality of their educational programmes in respect to the priorities of the youth sector of the Council of Europe and the needs of young people they serve. 

Each of the centres in the network has its own specificity in terms of focus and/or preferred approaches, reflecting the diversity of youth work in Europe. The training course together with the Quality Label Platform meetings provide essential moments of learning, reflection, and competence development in fine-tuning the specificity of the centres with the Council of Europe work.

In 2020 the Quality Label network introduced a long-term training strategy that aims to revisit the theme of human rights education, offering space for reflection on present day educational practices in the labelled youth centres and to uplift the quality of the education offer according to the existing standards.

The long-term training strategy involves a combination of residential and online sessions and will enable programme coordinators and youth workers to revisit the non-formal education approach they are using in their daily work and to re-think the planning of educational activities for the upcoming years, incorporating the Youth Department’s tools, quality standards and policy priorities


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