Youth sector strategy 2030

On 23 January 2020, Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Ambassador Irakli Giviashvili, President of the Ministers' Deputies (27 November 2019 - 14 May 2020), launched the Youth sector strategy 2030.
The strategy provides policy guidance and a broad political roadmap, or mission statement, for the period 2020-30, and is the framework within which the Youth for Democracy programme is being implemented.
The Youth sector strategy 2030 was adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on 22 January 2020 and is to be found in Committee of Ministers' Resolution (2020)2.
An accompanying background document introduces the Strategy, putting it into the context of young people’s lives and of youth policy. In this document, you will find out more about the Council of Europe youth sector, as well as about the strategy's vision, mission, thematic priorities and expected outcomes.
The Youth sector strategy 2030 and the accompanying document have been compiled in a handy, pocket-sized version. It is currently available for download in English, French, German, Hungarian, Latvian, Portuguese and Russian. A Dutch version, courtesy of the Flemish Community of Belgium is now available; the Portuguese version is offered by the Lisbon Youth Centre.
Our mission statement
Our strategy has been designed to be general enough so its policy orientations do not become quickly outdated, and to provide the framework within which the Youth for Democracy programme is implemented. It is based on the Council of Europe's core values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
The strategy development process:
- built on previous achievements of the Council of Europe youth sector;
- sought continuity with Agenda 2020, learning from its shortcomings;
- took into account the broader mission of the Council of Europe and the track record of the Youth Department;
- considered the latest political context of the Council of Europe, the interests of its member states and traditional stakeholders, and the changing profile of the youth sector and its stakeholders;
- has been designed so that the Joint Council on Youth can periodically take stock of its implementation.
Youth sector strategy 2030 brochure
If you would like to receive a paper copy of the strategy booklet, please visit the Council of Europe Online Bookshop or contact:
Council of Europe Publishing,
F-67045 Strasbourg