A range of international experts participate to support the Intercultural cities programme.

Their tasks include, inter alia:

  • Drafting analytical reports on cities’ results on the Intercultural cities’ index;
  • Participating in monitoring visits and preparing reports such as the Intercultural profiles of member cities;
  • Providing advice to cities in the context of the preparation of their intercultural strategies;
  • Preparing thematic events and drafting reports and policy briefs based on the results;
  • Providing advice and training in specific areas (eg myth-busting, intercultural competence, political communication);
  • Providing policy advice in specific areas (education, culture, housing, economic development, social services, urban planning, impact evaluation etc.);
  • Managing national intercultural cities networks;
  • Designing and managing specific projects (eg. awareness campaigns).

Επιστροφή VRENCEV Ljubisa

Co-founder of Symbiosis-School of Political Studies in Greece

Ljubisa Vrencev is the co-founder of Symbiosis-School of Political Studies in Greece, affiliated to the Council of Europe Network of Schools. Since 1997 he has worked with national and international NGOs on local development, intercultural communication and media, reconciliation and forced displacement in Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. He also worked with UNOPS, UNDP, Cooperazione Italiana and International Organization for Migration. He holds an MA in Local Development for the Balkans from Trento/Bolzano Universities. Currently the Director of Arbeiter Samariter Bund Country Office in Greece, since June 2016 he has managed refugee response funded by DG HOME, DG ECHO and the German Foreign Ministry. He has been a lecturer on diversity and communication for migrant communities and authored papers on development and migration issues. He speaks fluently South Slavic languages, English, Italian and Greek.

*All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

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JIMÉNEZ-ORTEGA Jorge Mexico National University professor
JOHANNESSEN Maja Interdisciplinary generalist