Back 30 new cases highlight the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights

30 new cases highlight the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights

Thirty new case studies have been added to the Council of Europe’s interactive website showing how the European Convention on Human Rights has changed people’s lives across the continent.

The website now includes 131 examples of how judgments from the European Court of Human Rights, and their implementation by member states, have led to positive changes in a wide range of areas.

New cases on the site include the following:

  • Chowdury and Others v. Greece: a landmark human trafficking case in which the mass shooting of a group of strawberry pickers led to compensation payments and a series of legal measures, including a fiveyear action plan to prevent forced labour, protect victims and punish offenders
  • Talpis v. Italy: Elisaveta Talpis suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband, who killed their son when he tried to protect her; after winning her case in Strasbourg, the authorities paid Mrs Talpis compensation and introduced a wide range of measures against domestic violence
  • Tagayeva and Others v. Russia: relatives of those affected by the Beslan school siege were awarded nearly 3 million euros in compensation by the Strasbourg court and new measures have been introduced to improve the Russian authorities’ response to terrorist attacks
  • Jabari v. Turkey: Hoda Jabari fled to Turkey to avoid being stoned to death for suspected adultery; the Strasbourg court stopped her from being deported back to Iran, after which she left to see a new life in Canada
  • Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom: Jeffrey Dudgeon was persecuted for his sexuality in Northern Ireland, where being gay was still a crime in the early 1980s; his victory at the Strasbourg court led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Northern Ireland and many other countries

The initial development of the website – which is available in English, French, Russian and Turkish – was funded through voluntary contributions from Finland, Germany, Ireland and Norway.

The thirty additional cases were financed by a further voluntary contribution from Finland.

Link: Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights website

European Convention on Human Rights Strasbourg 26 November 2018
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