Trasmissione in differita - registrazioni video e audio

The following pre-recorded videos will be available online around two hours after their delivery.


Tuesday 22 March 2022

Full session

Statement by the President

Involving children in sustainable development in their cities

Communication from the Committee of Ministers

Communication from the Secretary General, Marija PEJČINOVIĆ BURIĆ

Oleksiy CHERNYSHOV, Minister for Communities and Territories Development, Ukraine

Vitali KLITSCHKO, Mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine

The Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine

Monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-government in Germany

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Full session

Report on the observation of local elections in Georgia (2 October 2021)

Monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-government in Luxembourg

Statement by Taina BOFFERDING, Minister of the Interior and Minister of Equality between Women and Men, Luxembourg

Information report on the observation of the partial local elections in Armenia (5 December 2021)

Thematic debate: Fake news, threats and violence – pressures on mayors in the current crises in Europe

The situation of independent candidates and the opposition in local and regional elections

Monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-government in Turkey

Statement by Tiny KOX, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Presentation of the TERRI study (Territorial Governance, Powers and Reforms in Europe) of the CEMR - Statement by Stefano BONACCINI, President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)

Beyond elections: the use of deliberative methods in European municipalities and regions

Statement by Apostolos TZITZIKOSTAS, President of the European Committee of the Regions

Rural youth and the role of local and regional authorities


Thursday 24 March 2022

Full session

Ceremony awarding the Congress medal to an honorary member

Monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-government in the United Kingdom

Statement by Neil O’BRIEN MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Levelling Up, The Union and Constitution), United Kingdom

Report on the observation of local and regional elections in Denmark (16 November 2021)

Information report on municipal and regional elections in the Kingdom of Morocco