Indietro Intercultural Council of Limassol

Purpose:  The purpose of the Limassol Intercultural Council is to foster inclusive integration and promote intercultural understanding within the city of Limassol. By bringing together representatives from migrants' associations, NGOs, diplomatic bodies, labour unions, media, and active citizens, the Council aims to address the challenges faced by both migrants and locals during the integration process. Through its activities, such as brainstorming meetings, cultural festivals, training courses, and support for local initiatives, the Council seeks to increase awareness about cultural diversity, encourage migrants' active participation in public life, and advocate for the recognition of cultural diversity as an asset for the socio-economic development of the city.

Stimulus/Rationale:  The establishment of the Limassol Intercultural Council and the implementation of an Intercultural Strategy were driven by the city's commitment to promoting social cohesion, cultural diversity, and inclusive integration. Recognizing the value of engaging migrants and locals together, the Council seeks to address integration challenges and harness the benefits of cultural diversity for the socio-economic growth of Limassol. Through collaborative efforts, cultural events, and strategic partnerships, the Council aims to create a vibrant and harmonious city that embraces and celebrates its multicultural identity.

Process: The process of establishing the "Limassol Intercultural Council" began with the Limassol Municipality's decision to adopt the good practices of the Council of Europe's "Intercultural Cities" program. With funding from the EU Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund, the council came into being as an advisory body comprised of both Cypriot citizens and migrants living in the city. Its main purpose is to offer guidance and insight to local authorities on matters related to the integration of immigrants into society and to encourage their active participation in the public life of Limassol. In October 2017, the Council commenced its activities with a series of open discussions, where 20 members representing various immigrant communities, social and religious groups, NGOs, labour guilds, and diplomatic delegations participated. During these discussions, proposals and challenges in crucial areas such as education, public administration, culture, housing, parental care, youth, labour affairs, health, and media were presented and identified. This participatory and inclusive approach forms the foundation for the Council's ongoing work in addressing integration issues and fostering an intercultural environment in Limassol.

Impact: The establishment of the "Limassol Intercultural Council" and the adoption of the Intercultural Strategy have resulted in a significant impact on the city of Limassol. By engaging diverse stakeholders, including Cypriot citizens and migrants from various communities, social groups, NGOs, labour unions, and diplomatic bodies, the Council has facilitated a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives on integration challenges. As a result, the Council has brought forth valuable advice and informed local authorities on effective measures to enhance the integration of immigrants into society. This collaborative approach has not only encouraged migrants' active participation in the city's public life but has also led to an increased awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity among the city's residents. Through cultural events, strategic partnerships, and supportive initiatives, the Council has played a key role in nurturing a harmonious and inclusive urban environment in Limassol, where the benefits of cultural diversity are recognized and celebrated.

Key reference documents: UNESCO (2020). Limassol Intercultural Council.

2017 - ongoing
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