- Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on equitable access to medicinal products and medical equipment in a situation of shortage
- “Vaccine pass”: a new statement of the Committee on Bioethics underlined the human rights challenges
- Vaccine passports: Council of Europe issues guidance to governments to safeguard human rightsts
- Statement - COVID-19 and vaccines : ensuring equitable access to vaccination during the current and future pandemics
- A Council of Europe contribution to support member states in addressing healthcare issues in the context of the present public health crisis and beyond
- DH-BIO Statement on human rights considerations relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic
What we do ?
Biological and medical research and developments in technology have produced spectacular advances in the health field. However, these advances raise ethical issues that affect the individual and protection of the individual’s rights and dignity (genetics, transplantation, biobanks, emerging technologies, etc).