Atrás Call for consultants: Gap analysis of legislation, policies and practices regarding Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Call for consultants: Gap analysis of legislation, policies and practices regarding Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

The Council of Europe is looking for a consultant(s) to perform a gap analysis in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine. The analysis will strengthen legislation, policies and practices and enhance multi-stakeholder co-operation in the field of preventing and combating Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

The international consultant will work with a national expert to analyse legislation, policies and practices with a view to identifying promising practices and gaps. The gap analysis will combine both desk research and fact-finding visits to meet with relevant ministries and agencies involved in the multi-sectorial response, to ensure a holistic evaluation of legislation, policies and practices.

The findings of the gap analysis will be refined following discussion at national workshops that will take place in September/ October 2019.

The final report will:

  • Identify promising practices;
  • Identify legal and policy gaps;
  • Identify recommendations to improve legislation, policy and multistakeholder responses;
  • Establish a roadmap to strengthen national frameworks to prevent and combat OCSEA, including through enhanced multisectorial co-operation.

Applicants are invited to return the completed forms and a draft methodology proposal in English by 23 April 2019.

A separate call to research law enforcement agencies’, judges’ and prosecutors’ capacities to respond to OCSEA will be published shortly.

This activity is implemented under the Council of Europe Project End Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse @ Europe which supports member States to prevent and combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse. The project, which is implemented in the framework of the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021), includes 3 mutually reinforcing components, each aimed at:

  1. setting up enabling environments for cross-sector, multidisciplinary collaboration at national and regional levels, through strengthening national governance structures and conducting situation analysis of online child sexual exploitation and abuse risks and responses in national and pan-European contexts;
  2. supporting legislative and procedural reforms, training and improved capacities of law enforcement officials, judiciary and prosecutors and promoting multi-disciplinary interagency cooperation for end to end victims’ support;
  3. addressing societal capabilities with emphasis on awareness-raising, education of key target groups and empowerment of children.

The Council of Europe gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided for this programme by the Fund to End Violence Against Children.

 Terms of reference

 Act of Engagement

 Gap Analysis Background and Guidance


Strasbourg 1 April 2019
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