Atrás "So, this is sexual abuse?"

A new child-friendly tool to raise awareness on the occasion of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse

"So, this is sexual abuse?" is a new child-friendly booklet for teenagers (aged 12 and up), to explore some of the ways in which sexual abuse and exploitation of children can occur today. The main message of the publication is that children are not alone when they have questions. Whether they are concerned about certain behaviours, have questions about their right to say no or what to do when sexually explicit pictures or images are shared online, the aim of the booklet is to provide some useful advice and information to children and adults in order to access support to deal with these questions. The booklet provides insight into the stories of several young people and raises awareness about the substantive and procedural provisions of the Lanzarote Convention in an accessible way.

This publication was developed in the context of the EndOCSEA@Europe project,with Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation and the participation of children. The group was consulted three times to develop the questions that are addressed, the scenarios, and dialogues included. A report on the production process of the booklet will be published shortly.

The booklet is available in English and Hungarian, other language versions will follow shortly.

In addition, and following an open call, four organisations were selected to raise awareness and develop tools about online child sexual exploitation and abuse at national level, to strengthen the implementation of the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) and to support the annual European Day for the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (18 November).

Child Rights Centre Serbia. Activities will include a media campaign with child participation to raise awareness about online child sexual exploitation and abuse and an analysis of legislation, policy and training in co-operation with a multi-disciplinary working group of stakeholders at national level.

All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organization Women's Consortium of Ukraine. Activities include a social media campaign developed with child participation to raise awareness about cybercrime and sexual abuse and exploitation in Ukraine, along with awareness raising among policy makers through an online survey and roundtable.

The National Centre for Child Abuse Prevention (NCCAP), Republic of Moldova. Activities include a touring photo exhibition and media materials to raise awareness about online child sexual exploitation and abuse developed with child participation and an advocacy group of youth advocates and survivors of child sexual abuse.

The Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro. Activities include development of materials to raise awareness about the Lanzarote Convention along with educational workshops for children and workshops for professionals working with children.


The Council of Europe gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided for this programme by the Fund to End Violence Against Children

 “So, this is sexual abuse ?” booklet - ENGHUN

 “So, this is sexual abuse ?” video explanation - ENGHUN

 EndOCSEA@Europe Project page

Strasbourg 18 November 2019
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