ONE in FIVE Campaign

From 2010 to 2015 the Council of Europe ran the ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children. While this campaign came to an end, to galvanise on the momentum generated by the campaign, the Council of Europe decided to organise on a yearly basis the European Day for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (18 November).

All of the campaign materials and new products contributing to protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse can be found on the webpage of the European Day.

The Underwear Rule

About 1 in 5 children falls vicitim to violence including sexual abuse. You can help prevent this happening to your child. Teach your child the Underwear Rule.

The Underwear Rule is a simple guide to help parents explain to children where others should not try to touch them, how to react and where to seek help.

What is The Underwear Rule? It’s simple: a child should not be touched by others on parts of the body usually covered by their underwear. And they should not touch others in those areas.

It also helps explain to children that their body belongs to them, that there are good and bad secrets and good and bad touches.

“Raise your hand against smacking!”

I have rights, you have rights, he/she has rights ...

Through the Wild Web Woods

Atrás New digital parenting guide by the Council of Europe

New digital parenting guide by the Council of Europe

To foster and concretely support positive digital parenting approaches, the Council of Europe has published a new guidance tool on "Parenting in the digital age" containing “positive parenting strategies for different scenarios”. The guide promotes the idea that positive parenting practices, based on open communication and trust, should be extended into the online world, and provides hands-on advice on how to react, as a parent or caregiver, to critical situations encountered by children. Likewise, parents and caregivers are called upon to closely watch their own behaviours as they share online (images for example) or regularly use digital technologies throughout the day.

In line with a previous Digital parenting guide (2017), the Internet Literacy Handbook (2017), and relevant Council of Europe standards, such as CM/Rec(2018)7 on Guidelines to protect, respect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment, our Organisation continues to call for a balanced approach both supporting children’s equal opportunities in accessing digital technologies and their protection from harm.

Strasbourg 6 November 2020
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