What is the project?

The EndOCSEA@Europe+ project aims to strengthen actions to prevent and combat Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA) across the Council of Europe member states with particular focus on the following countries: Georgia, Montenegro and the Republic of Moldova.

The project will provide support to authorities and professionals to actively prevent and fight OCSEA in line with the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) and the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention).

The project will build on the results of the previous EndOCSEA@Europe project and will integrate the recommendations from the Baseline Mapping reports produced within the first phase (2018-2021) to ensure direct follow- up and consistency.

The project is implemented by the Council of Europe Children’s Rights Division over a period of 24 months (1 September 2023 – 31 August 2025).

The Council of Europe gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided for this Programme by Safe Online. 

Safe Online is a global investment vehicle dedicated to keeping children safe in the digital world. Through investing in innovation and bringing key actors together, Safe Online helps shape a digital world that is safe and empowering for all children and young people, everywhere.


 What do we aim to achieve?

 Who do we work with?

The participation of representatives of the relevant bodies and institutions is foreseen from the three selected  countries, particularly:

  • Ministries of Internal Affairs
  • Ministries of Social Policy
  • Ministries of Education
  • Ministries of Health

Civil society organisations, Ombudspersons and academia will also be involved in the work carried out to implement and strengthen the EndOCSEA@Europe+ in light of existing needs to formulate concrete potential solutions.

 Who will benefit from the project?

The project targets national and local authorities from Georgia, Montenegro and Republic of Moldova as well as professionals in contact with children. They will benefit directly from the project through training and other supporting and capacity building measures provided.

The final beneficiaries of the project are children at risk of or victims and/or witnesses of OCSEA.


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