Capacity building
To do so, the Committee organises capacity building activities, such as study visits, conferences or hearings on specific challenges raised by the implementation of the Convention.
Capacity-building activities carried out from past to present:
Video recording: morning session and afternoon session
Event to present the independent experts’ report “Respecting human rights and the rule of law when using automated technology to detect online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA)", 28 June 2021
Capacity-building event on multidisciplinary approach and interagency cooperation in Cyprus to protect children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, Nicosia, 15 October 2019
Capacity-building event on "Ending sexual abuse of children in sport", The Hague, 6 November 2018
Conference “Ending sexual exploitation and abuse of children: towards a world of trust”, Strasbourg, 24-25 October 2017
Conference “Ending sexual exploitation and abuse of children: towards a world of trust”, Strasbourg, France (24-25 October 2017), on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the opening for signature of the Council of Europe Convention for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (the Lanzarote Convention)
Interpol capacity-building study visit, Lyon, 22 November 2016
Europol capacity-building study visit, The Hague, 16 March 2015
Conference on preventing sexual abuse of children, Madrid, 10-11 December 2013
A conference on “Preventing sexual abuse of children”, Madrid, Spain (10-11 December 2013) to provide the Lanzarote Committee with the necessary information, issues and good practices on specific aspects regarding the prevention of sexual abuse of children.
Learning from good practices: Council of Europe to strengthen international cooperation to tackle sexual violence against children, Rome, 29-30 November 2012
A conference on “The role of international cooperation in tacking sexual violence against children, Rome, Italy (29-30 November 2012). The purpose of this conference was to raise awareness on the Lanzarote Convention and to discuss and exchange views on the potentials of its Article 38 on International Cooperation.
Representatives from the Council of Europe Member States but also experts from other countries, NGO representatives and other independent institutions, as well as other partners, including the United Nations and the European Union, all took part in this meeting, which gave the Lanzarote Committee the opportunity to listen, analyse and share good practices from all over the world in the field of child protection, therefore promoting national and international co-operation overall.
Videos by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Presentations and speeches:
- Elsa Fornero: English, Italian
- Philippe Boillat
- Bassima Hakkaoui
- Caterina Chinnici
- Marco Scarpati
- Raffaele Salinari
- Cristiana De Paoli
- Karla Varela
- Silvia Isabel Rosales Bolaños
- Bun Eng Chou
- Céline Sursock
- Luca Portacolone - Speech - Presentation
- Azza El Ashmawey - Speech - Presentation
- Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia
- Josiah Emerole - Speech - Presentation
- Niokhobaye Diouf
- Sandro de Luca
- Asta Sidlauskiene
- Johan Van den Hout
- Mechtild Maurer
- Regina Jensdottir
Lanzarote Committee members visit Iceland's Children's House, Reykjavik, 31 May-1 June 2012
A study visit of the Barnahus (Children’s House) model in Reykjavik, Iceland (31 May – 1 June 2012). The Barnahus is based on an interdisciplinary and multiagency approach which puts the best interest of the child at the heart of investigative procedures, thereby avoiding any secondary victimisation of the child. During their visit, Members of the Lanzarote Committee met a court judge, prosecutors, members of the police force, but also exchanged views with child protection services and medical professionals.
- Programme
- Presentation "Comprehensive services of the Barnahus" by Ólöf Ásta Farestveit, Director of Barnahus
- Presentation "Child Forensic Interview" by Margrét Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Psychologist and Forensic Interviewer
- Presentation "The Children House - Barnahus: Multidisciplinary Response to Child´s Disclosure of Abuse" by Bragi Gudbrandsson, General Director
- Presentation "Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)" by Thorbjorg Sveinsdottir, Barnahus