Increased awareness of child sexual abuse

Sensitisation and awareness-raising is a crucial precondition for recognising and taking action to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse. Barnahus provides further opportunities to build awareness of child sexual abuse among the general population and encourages professionals to support the cause. The third project component targets the general public and professionals working for and with children to raise awareness, detect and report on child sexual abuse.
Awareness research on sexual violence against children in Slovenia
The project has conducted quantitative and qualitative research in order to establish a baseline of awareness and understanding of child sexual abuse in Slovenia:
- Qualitative study on child sexual exploitation and abuse in Slovenia
- Quantitative study on child sexual exploitation and abuse in Slovenia
Awareness raising materials
In consultation with stakeholders and partners and based on the research results, informational and awareness raising materials have been developed and adapted to the Slovenian context:
- Protection of children against sexual exploitation and abuse: Child-friendly, multidisciplinary and interagency response inspired by the Barnahus model (EN, FR, SLO)
- “Kiko and the Hand" Training for Trainers Manual (SLO)
- Kiko and the Hand book (EN, FR, SLO)
- Kiko and the Hand video (EN, FR, SLO)
Sensitisation of professionals working with and for children
Relevant staff within the social work system, the police, the judicial system, and the health system are sensitised to the Barnahus model through their direct work with the project. Targeted training has been piloted for preschool and primary school teachers on the detection and reporting of child sexual abuse. In order to support the training, the project has translated and adapted to the Slovenian context the publication “Kiko and the Hand" - Training for Trainers Manual.