Draft Law on Barnahus in Slovenia:

Taking stock of the results of the public consultation process


Join the webinar to discuss results and key recommendations of the public consultation process of the draft law on Barnahus in Slovenia. Barnahus is a leading European model for a child-friendly multidisciplinary and interagency response to child sexual abuse.

The Ministry of Justice opened the draft law for public consultation on 4 June 2020 and it is scheduled to be submitted for the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia by the end of the year.

The draft law presents a major step towards the establishment of a first Barnahus in Slovenia by 2021. At international level, it is the first attempt to comprehensively regulate the establishment and operations of Barnahus in a single act.

The webinar introduces key aspects of the draft law and further explores recommendations and feedback collected from child consultations and international experts. For more information, see the webinar agenda.

The speakers include :

  • Mag. Lilijana Kozlovič, Minister of Justice
  • Regina Jensdottir, Council of Europe Coordinator for the rights of the child
  • Sebastien Renaud, Deputy Head of Unit for governance and public administration, EU DG Reform
  • Matic Zupan, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice
  • Bragi Gudbrandsson, Member of the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child and “father” of the Icelandic Barnahus model
  • Prof. Anna Kaldal, Council of Europe independent expert
  • Prof. Dr. Primož Gorkič, Council of Europe independent expert
  • Dr. Simona Drenik Bavdek, Council of Europe independent expert

See a full list of speakers.

The webinar is moderated by Mag. Andrej del Fabro (Ministry of Justice) and Dr. Mojca Plesnič (Council of Europe independent expert).

Simultaneous interpretation (English-Slovenian) will be provided and the webinar will be live-streamed. All pre-registered participants can participate through chat.

The webinar is organized in the framework of the joint EU DG Reform- Council of Europe project to Support the implementation of Barnahus (Children’s House) phase II, implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Justice in Slovenia and co-financed by the European Union Structural Reform Support Programme.

 Please register filling the form on the right side


To register to the Webinar (6 November 2020, 10 am to 1 pm CET), please complete and submit the form below: