Council of Europe Days:
telling the Council of Europe’s story
People across the Council of Europe’s 46 member states live in greater safety, security and dignity because their governments protect their human rights. Most of them would struggle to list all of their rights as laid out in the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter. They might also not know about the various conventions that we have in place covering everything from the prevention of torture, to tackling human trafficking, to combating violence against women and domestic violence.
Luxemburgo lanza la iniciativa: “Cuando los carteles hablan – Ilustrando la misión del Consejo de Europa”
Estudiantes irlandeses de Derecho mejoran sus conocimientos del Consejo de Europa y sus valores fundamentales
Telling the story
In fact, we all benefit from our rights throughout our lives and in everything we do - from our education, healthcare and housing to how we express our opinions, participate in society and spend our free time.
So, how do we help more people to understand how they benefit from their human rights?
How do we take this conversation from the conference table to the kitchen table? That’s the aim of the Council of Europe Days visibility project.
By holding events across our member states, we can let people know about what their rights do for them.
This website includes information about what individual governments and others are doing to help get the message out there, through a range of varied and innovative events, reaching out to various audiences.
The ideas on these pages are meant for sharing and for inspiration, so that more people are motivated to take part, organise an event and give visibility to our fundamental rights and freedoms and to the positive impact that the Council of Europe is making on people’s lives.
Human rights belong to us all!
Council of Europe video highlights the need for unity in face of Russian aggression against Ukraine