“Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certified in 2021


Saints Cyril and Methodius, the co-patrons of Europe, are symbols of cultural dialogue between Eastern and Western Christianity. They are considered to be the two most influential missionaries, having played a principal role in introducing Christianity and developing culture in Slavic countries. The cult of the patrons of Europe and their message became a cornerstone of the European identity of the emerging Slavic nations. They indirectly influenced the formation and organization of early medieval European countries, being symbols of the fundamental values of European civilization such as education, Christianity and dialogue between religions, cultures and nations.



The Cyril and Methodius Route presents a set of trails focused on travelling in the footsteps of Saints Cyril and Methodius and their followers (the Seven Saints Apostles). It brings together places, heritage sites, cultural institutions and tourist attractions across interconnecting countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. The destinations along the route present rich and diverse heritage elements in all its forms: monuments of the sacred cult of the holy brothers, secular manifestations of respect for them, reflections on their work in the modern world, stories and legends, among others.


Travelling today

The Cyril and Methodius route spans across a series of paths historically connected to the life and mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius, where travellers can discover significant remains even today. The first route is connected to the territory of Great Moravia, nowadays Czech and Slovak Republics, where their most important work took place. The second route leads to the southeast (Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Turkey, Greece and Ukraine), which symbolizes the continuation of the teachers' legacy by their disciples. The third route leads to the southwest (Austria, Bavaria, Slovenia and Italy) and symbolizes their journey to Rome, where they sought the recognition of the Christian liturgy in Old Slavonic. A fourth branch of the route leads to Lesser Poland and Eastern Silesia, where Cyril and Methodius' teachings and liturgy were also spread.

Photo Credits: ©Karel Gallas/Shutterstock

Council of Europe values

Cyril and Methodius Route aims to raise awareness of common European heritage through a coordinated network of partners from various European countries. It contributes to the development of cultural cooperation throughout Europe, illustrating our common culture and heritage related to the legacy of Saints Cyril and Methodius. As such, the Route also provides a platform for intercultural dialogue, mutual respect, social cohesion and understanding achieved through culture, tourism and arts. At the same time, it promotes European values, in particular democracy and human rights, including the right of access to culture for all.


Association of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius
J. A. Bati 5520

Official website

Cyril and Methodius Route

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