Atrás Luxembourg: the Post of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg launches a stamp to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the European Institute of Cultural Routes

Luxembourg: the Post of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg launches a stamp to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the European Institute of Cultural Routes

On 10 May 2023, during the EPA Governing Board meeting, the Post Philately of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg presented the stamp that has been prepared in the framework of the 25th anniversary of the European Institute of Cultural Routes.

The stamp was presented by Mr. Emile ESPEN, head of Post Philately Luxembourg and Mr Antonio Ferreira, adjoint of Post Philately. The special stamp commemorating the 25th anniversary will join the ranks of other important European and National Institutions of significance to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. The stamp will be available to the public on 16May 2023.

The memorabilia was presented to the President of the European Institute of the Cultural Routes Ambassador Jean-Claude KUGENER, to the President to the EPA Governing Board Julien VUILLEUMIER, to the President of the EPA Statutory Committee, Ambassador Patrick ENGELBERG, and to Mr Jo KOX, First Government Advisor and General Coordinator of the Ministry of Culture of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

The European Institute of Cultural Routes is the technical agency of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme. The European Institute of Cultural Routes was set up in 1998 as part of a political agreement between the Council of Europe and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research) and is located in the Centre Culturel de Rencontre - Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg.

Upon the entry into force of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) in 2010, an agreement establishing the seat of the EPA at the Institute was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

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