Atrás And the winner is …

And the winner is …

The 2020 Winner of the Stefano Rodotà award is Camilla Tabarrini for her article on “Understanding the Big Mind - Does the GDPR Bridge the Human-Machine Intelligibility Gap?” (original version « Comprendere la "Big Mind". Il GDPR sana il divario di intelligibilità uomo-macchina? » published in Il diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica, 2019,vol. 2, pp. 555-594, ISSN 1593-5795).

Camilla Tabarrini is a PhD student (researching for her thesis on Big data and privacy) from the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice (Italy) and is currently a Fulbright PhD Visiting student researcher at the Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University of New-York (USA).

Her 2020 award-winning article focuses on the challenges arising in the context of the implementation of the right to obtain “meaningful information about the logic involved” (article 13.2.f of the GDPR) in the context of solely automated decisions.  

Following a brief overview of the relevant computer science features of Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) applications, the analysis first focuses on the existence of the right to an explanation, then discussing the three opacity layers hampering the actual feasibility of data subjects’ right: (i) the transparency fallacy of ML systems; (ii) the possible clash with Trade Secret and Copyright protections; and (iii) the irredeemable obscurity of deep learning subsets of Artificial Intelligence used to take decisions.

Camilla’s ultimate objective with her research is to raise public and scholar interest on the threats posed by the use of artificial intelligence to take decisions that significantly affect data subjects as well as their self-determination.

Camilla will be invited to present her research to the Committee of Convention 108, on the occasion of its 40th Plenary meeting, to be held in Strasbourg from 1st to 3rd of July.

Strasbourg 28 January 2020
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