Atrás Data Protection Day – 2024

Data Protection Day – 2024

On the occasion of the 18th International Data Protection Day, the Chair of the Committee of Convention 108 as well as the Data Protection Commissioner of the Council of Europe have issued a statement and the Committee of Convention 108 awarded the sixth Stefano Rodotà Award.

To illustrate the importance of this day, the Secretariat of Committee of Convention 108 compiled a list of initiatives based on the contributions received from parties and observers to the Committee of Convention 108  that the states and organisations undertake to commemorate this day throughout the week.

Data Protection Day marks the anniversary of the opening to signature of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention ETS No. 108) on 28 January 1981. The Convention remains the only legally binding international instrument protecting personal data and the right to privacy, gathering 55 State Parties and some 40 observers from all over the world.

Strasbourg 28 January 2024
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