Atrás CPDP 2024: A Panel on Council of Europe Model Contractual Clauses

CPDP 2024: A Panel on Council of Europe Model Contractual Clauses

On 22 May, a panel of the 2024 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection International Conference (known as “CPDP”) was dedicated to the Model Contractual Clauses (MCC) developed by the Committee of Convention 108.

The Panel gathered high level speakers from different sectors such as Drudeisha Madhub, (Mauritius DPA), Gary Davis (Apple), Gonzalo Sosa Barreto, (Uruguay DPA), Estelle Masse (DG Justice), Thorsten Wetzling (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung) and  Natasha Jackson (GSMA).

The panel addressed the following topics:

  • What are the specificities of the CoE MCC?
  • What is the scope of application of the CoE MCC?
  • Are the CoE MCC meant only for Parties?
  • What role can the CoE MCC play at a global level?

The panel agreed on the potential benefits the modules can have in different regions of the world and also to serve as a bridge, appreciated their specificities and expressed support for their wide-spread use.

CPDP is an international multidisciplinary conference offering a platform to discuss and exchange ideas on legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. It gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policymakers, industry and civil society from all over the world in Brussels, Belgium every year.

BRUSSELS 22 May 2024
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