On 26 April 2006, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to launch a Data Protection Day, to be celebrated each year on 28 January.

This date corresponds to the anniversary of the opening for signature of the Council of Europe's Convention 108 for the Protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data which has been for over 30 years a cornerstone of data protection, in Europe and beyond.

Data Protection Day is now celebrated globally and is called the "Privacy Day" outside Europe.

Atrás Data Protection Day 2014

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Disclosures by the former contractor of the USA’s National Security Agency (NSA) Edward Snowden regarding mass surveillance, interception and storage of huge quantities of personal data have shed a new light on what the threats to our privacy and data protection are.

Do these practices amount to a violation of the human right to privacy and what are their consequences in terms of rule of law democracy?

On the occasion of Data Protection Day, renowned experts will discuss the threats to our privacy, the need for balancing security and liberty, and possible solutions to ensure the respect of our human rights.

Strasbourg 28/01/2014
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