Atrás Data protection is moving fast in Brazil!

Data protection is moving fast in Brazil!

Further to the adoption by the Brazilian Senate on 10 July of the General Data Protection Bill (PLC 53/2018) the signature of President Michel Temer is now needed for the final enactment of this long awaited piece of legislation (the first general data protection law of the country ever!).

Data protection is THE topic of interest at the moment, and discussions on the President’s prerogative to modify the text adopted by the Senate are on everybody’s lips: will the President use it, and if yes, on which provisions? Important decisions will have to be made rapidly and the whole world is looking at Brazil, waiting for the final text of the law.

There could be no better timing for the Privacy and Data protection Seminar organised by and which will gather 400 participants and data protection experts from Brazil and abroad. It will be the 9th Edition of this important event, which takes place in Sao Paulo on 7 and 8 August. The Head of the Data protection Unit of the Council of Europe will be presenting the modernised Convention 108 and the work of the Committee of the Convention, and will also be on a panel focusing on the enforcement aspects, and the importance of data protection authorities.


For more information on the IXth Seminar on privacy and data protection:

Presentation by Sophie Kwasny


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São Paulo 7-8 August 2018
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