Atrás High level international conference on the future of the Council of Europe Data protection Convention held in Strasbourg

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Image © Shutterstock

A high level international conference is to be held in Strasbourg on 21 June 2018 on the future of the Council of Europe Data protection Convention. “Convention 108+: tomorrow’s common ground for data protection.”

Convention 108+ while remaining the only binding international treaty on the protection of data protection is considerably updated by the Amending Protocol recently adopted by the Committee of Ministers. This half-day event which will bring together data protection experts from 70 countries and international organisations will look into the changes this revision will bring to the Convention and its Committee, and for the signatories and individuals under their jurisdiction and protection.



 Convention 108+

 Amending Protocol and its Explanatory Report

 Webcasting Original Version

 Webcasting English

 Webcasting French

Welcome Address by Christos Giakoumopoulos, Director General Human Rights and Rule of Law (in French) 

 Concluding Address by Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe (in French)

Video record

Strasbourg 21 June 2018
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