Atrás Restricted consultation – French speaking experts consultant specialised in personal data protection

Restricted consultation – French speaking experts consultant specialised in personal data protection

The Council of Europe constitutes a pool of  experts consultants specialised in personal data protection and having specific expertise in various topics: health, childhood/youth/education, IT… in order to support the implementation of the joint programme “Support to independent instances in Tunisia - PAII-T “ and the joint programme “Ensuring sustainable democratic governance and human rights in the Southern Mediterranean - SUD III". These programmes are co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the latter.

Deadline for submitting offers: 26 August 2019

To submit offers, clic here to access the documents DOSSIER DE CONSULTATION / TERMES DE RÉFÉRENCE ACTE D’ENGAGEMENT

You have questions on the procedure? You want to submit you offer? Write to this address

Strasbourg 10 July 2019
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