Iceland became the 12th member State of the Council of Europe on 7 March 1950.

Convention 108 Signed 27/09/82
  Ratified 25/03/91
Convention 108+ Signed 21/11/2018
  Ratified 20/01/2023
National Constitution    
Specific National Legislation   Act on protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
Enacted   01/01/2000
Scope Manual Processing Yes

Non Natural person Yes

Public or private sector Both
Registration or Notification   All data
Special Authorisation for Exportation   All data
Data Protection Authority

  Personal Data Protection Authority
Persónuvernd (The Data Processing Authority) Rauðarárstíg 10, IS-105, Reykjavik
Tel: 354 510 96 00 / Fax: 354 510 9606