Co-operation was established as early as 2015 between the Council of Europe and the National Commission for Control of Personal Data Protection of Morocco (CNDP).

Morocco has been Party to the Council of Europe Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data (Convention 108) since September 2019, but the CNDP has long before been taking part as observer in the work of the Consultative Committee of Convention 108. It was thus very obvious that in the framework of the Neighbourhood Partnership between the Council of Europe and Morocco, a co-operation programme be designed and implemented with as primary objective to foster the ratification of the Protocol modernising Convention 108 (known as Convention 108+) as well as to support the CNDP’s efforts in enhancing data protection in the Kingdom of Morocco.

The main directions of this programme are:

  • Supporting the data protection legislative revision
  • Enhancing the capacities of the CNDP to support it in the delivering of its missions
  • Supporting the CNDP’s sectorial awareness raising efforts as well as when facing the development and spreading of emerging technologies

This programme is supported by Liechtenstein, Norway and Spain.

A training seminar on Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) organised for the National Commission for Control of Data Protection of Morocco (CNDP)

2 June 2021 Strasbourg

On Friday 21 Mai 2021, a training seminar on Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) was organised in visio conference for the National Commission for Control of Data Protection of Morocco (CNDP). 13 lawyers, IT engineers and members of the CNDP as well as its President could thus see the...

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An analytical and comparative study of legislation and practices in the field of credit scoring in a number of European countries

In the framework of the cooperation project aimed at supporting the strengthening of the right to protection of personal data in Morocco, the Council of Europe is assisting the National Commission for the Protection of Personal Data (CNDP) in its reflections and its adaptation to legislative,...

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The Moroccan CNDP trains to controls

11 March 2021 Strasbourg

Two training seminars to control operations in the digital environment were held on Friday 3 and Tuesday 5 March, in visio conference. The lawyers, IT engineers and members of the Moroccan National commission for control of data protection staff in charge of control were thus able to benefit from...

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