Atrás T-CY Mapping Study on Cyberviolence: recommendations

Efforts – including joint measures – by a broad range of stakeholders are required to address the multi-facetted problem of cyberviolence.
T-CY Mapping Study on Cyberviolence: recommendations

Recommendations at the level of the Council of Europe and Cybercrime Convention Committee:

  • The Council of Europe (T-CY Secretariat and C-PROC) should consider making available online information on cyberviolence included in the present study on existing policies, strategies, preventive, protective and criminal justice measures taken by public sector, civil society and private sector organisations, and creating an online portal to receive, document and make available new developments and information on such policies, strategies, preventive, protective and criminal justice measures taken by public sector, civil society and private sector organisations.
  • Given the difference in scope but given also the complementarity between the Budapest Convention and its Protocol, and the Lanzarote and Istanbul Conventions, Parties - within their respective treaty obligations – and the Secretariat may consider promoting synergies between these instruments in practice.
  • Parties to the Budapest Convention should consider better training and awareness raising for criminal justice authorities regarding cyberviolence, including its investigation, prosecution and sanctioning, where it constitutes a criminal offence. The Council of Europe – through its C-PROC – and other organisations should support such capacity building activities. T-CY members may wish to share the present study among relevant institutions within their countries.
  • Measures to prevent, protect against and – in cases where it constitutes a criminal offence – prosecute cyberviolence should be conceived as contributing to the implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, in particular, Sustainable Development Goal 16.
  • Parties to the Budapest Convention should ensure greater gender balance in institutions dealing with cybercrime.

 Download the T-CY Mapping Study on Cyberviolence

Strasbourg, France 09 July 2019
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