Atrás Egypt: Parliamentary Assembly Bureau calls for political dialogue

Parliamentary Assembly

The Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), meeting today in Dubrovnik (Croatia), called for an inclusive reconciliation process and political dialogue in Egypt which would prevent any further recourse to violence, allow a return to stability and create conditions for the organisation of free and fair elections as soon as possible. A military intervention is not a solution for democratic deficits. The interim authorities should implement without delay a roadmap for the normalisation of the political climate in the country and for the restoration of democratic rule in Egypt.

Shocked by the number of deaths caused by the intervention of the police in dispersing pro-Morsi gatherings, but also concerned about acts of violence committed by demonstrators, including attacks against religious minorities' places of worship, the Bureau called for an independent investigation into the killings and all acts of violence, whoever has committed them.

The Assembly, through its Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, is following closely the situation in Egypt. The Committee will hold a hearing on Egypt at its meeting on 4 September 2013 in Paris.

Parliamentary Assembly website
Press release

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Syria: PACE Bureau condemns the apparent use of chemical weapons

Strasbourg 02/09/2013
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