Atrás European Day of Languages 2017: statement from Council of Europe Secretary General, Thorbjørn Jagland

Thorbjørn Jagland

Thorbjørn Jagland

"This year's European Day of Languages celebrates innovation in language learning and teaching.  This provides us with the perfect opportunity to highlight the huge value of Europe's cultural diversity. Europe's nations are always at their strongest and most prosperous when we are open and outward-facing, willing to embrace other ways of life, and when we welcome those who can contribute to our societies. By pausing to celebrate the dozens of languages spoken across our communities we can send a powerful message: that Europe is a truly multilingual place where all backgrounds are welcome and where everyone can have an equal voice. More than ever, the protection of languages in our Continent is becoming a fundamental tool not only to protect national minority rights but to foster mutual understanding within our societies through the sharing of  European values and cultural heritage.  Hundreds of events have been organised by schools, universities and cultural establishments to mark the day. I would like to send my best wishes to all those taking part."

Secretary General Strasbourg 26 September 2017
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