Atrás PACE calls for better use of emergency refugee funding; and missions to Hungary and Italy

PACE calls for better use of emergency refugee funding; and missions to Hungary and Italy

At its Second Part Session (24-28 April 2017) the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) adopted Resolution 2164 (2017) ‘Possible ways to improve the funding of emergency refugee situations’. The Resolution encourages all European States to step up the financial burden-sharing of the current situation of migration and refugee crisis, including through international frameworks for co-operation such as those of the European Union, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other international humanitarian organisations. It also calls on the European Union to continue its diversified funding to improve reception conditions, accelerate asylum procedures and encourage short- and medium-term integration of migrants and refugees, alongside additional measures to reinforce security, border controls and returns systems. The Resolution also encourages member States to contribute to the resources of the Migrant and Refugee Fund set up by the Council of Europe Development Bank to continue to support emergency measures.

On 9-10 May, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis (Greece, EPP/CD) will be visiting Italy in order to gather information for a new report on “Human rights implications of the European response to transit migration across the Mediterranean”.

On 15-16 May, Duarte Marques (Portugal, EPP/CD) will travel to Hungary to exchange views with government and parliament officials and NGOs, in order to gather information for a new report on “A comprehensive political and humanitarian response to the current migration and refugee crisis”.

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