Atrás Venice Commission adopts opinions on Armenia, Kosovo*, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Russia and Turkey

Venice Commission adopts opinions on Armenia, Kosovo*, Latvia, Malta, Moldova,  Russia and Turkey

The Venice Commission is adopting a number of opinions through a written procedure on 18-19 June, in a replacement of the meeting of 123rd plenary session in Venice, that will not take place due to the continued COVID-19 concerns.

The following opinions are to be adopted by a written procedure: 

18 June:

  • Albania – Opinion on the Law no 97/2013 on Audio-visual Media Service;
  • Latvia Opinion on the recent amendments to the legislation on education in minority languages;
  • Russian Federation Opinion on the draft Amendments to the Constitution Federation relating to the execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights;


19 June:

  • Albania - Opinion on the appointment of members of the Constitutional Court;
  • Armenia Opinion on three questions in the context of constitutional amendments concerning the judges of the Constitutional Court
  • Kosovo* – Opinion on some issues with respect to the Draft Criminal Procedure Code, namely trial in absentia and suspension of officials from office
  • Malta Opinion on the legislative changes proposed by the Government to implement recommendations of the 2018 Opinion of the Commission
  • Republic of MoldovaOpinion on the Revised draft Law on amending and supplementing the constitution with respect to the Superior Council of Magistracy.
  • Turkey Opinion on the replacement of elected candidates and mayors.

The Commission also adopts the Amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Armenia relating to Article 300.1 of the Criminal Code, and take note of the report on “Respect for Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law during states of emergency - Reflections”.

The opinions will be published after their adoption at this Venice Commission web page.


 Press release
Venice Commission adopts opinion on the Russian constitutional amendments related to the execution of European Court’s decisions in Russia

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Venice Commission calls on government to repeal decisions that have undermined democratic self-government in South-East Turkey

 Congress spokespersons welcome the Venice Commission opinion on removal of local candidates and mayors in Turkey

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Malta: Venice Commission praises steps taken to adopt its recommendations with a call for an “adequate system of checks and balances”

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The constitutional crisis in Armenia can be solved with the Venice Commission’s guidance, says Secretary General

 Press release
Albania: Venice Commission adopts opinions on the Law on Audio-visual Media Services and on the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court


*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

Venice Commission Strasbourg 17 June 2020
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