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Atrás Executions in Belarus

Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the execution of Mr Aleysander Grunow in Belarus

The Committee of Ministers deeply regrets the recent execution of Mr Aleysander Grunow, a further indication that Belarus is resisting calls for the abolition of the death penalty.

The Committee of Ministers appeals to the Belarussian authorities to encourage a public debate on all issues related to this practice, including in particular the irreversibility of any miscarriage of justice and the fact that the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime.

The Committee of Ministers reiterates that this inhumane practice and a violation of human dignity leads Belarus further away from the values of the Council of Europe and strongly urges its authorities to establish a moratorium on executions as a first step towards abolition of the death penalty.

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 13 November 2014
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