Atrás Monitoring visit by the Congress to Switzerland

Bern (Switzerland) @Shutterstock

Bern (Switzerland) @Shutterstock

A delegation from the Congress will carry out a monitoring visit to Switzerland from 23 to 25 January 2017. The delegation will examine the situation on local and regional democracy in the light of the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by the country in 2005. Co-rapporteurs on local democracy M. Marc Cools (Belgium, ILDG) and M. Dorin Chirtoaca (Republic of Moldova, EPP/CCE), will focus on the developments in the field of local democracy occurred since the last Congress monitoring visit in May 2009. High level meetings are scheduled, in particular with the Federal Councillor of Department of Finances, Ueli Maurer and the President of the Council of States of Switzerland, Ivo Bischofberger. The delegation will also meet representatives of local and regional authorities of the cities of Bern, Zurich and Oetwil an der Limmat as well as representatives of the Canton of Zurich and the Canton of Jura, in particular with M. Alec Von Graffenried, Mayor of Bern, Mrs. Corine Mauch, Mayor of Zurich and vice-chair of the Swiss Union of Cities and Towns, M. Paul Studer, Mayor and Chair of the municipality council of Oetwil an der Limmat and Mrs. Nathalie Barthoulot, President of the Government of the Republic and Canton of Jura and Minister of Interior.

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Strasbourg 20 January 2017
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