Atrás Secretary General’s Special Representative on migration and refugees visits camps in northern France

© 2016 Reuters/Charles Platiau

© 2016 Reuters/Charles Platiau

The Secretary General’s Special Representative on migration and refugees, Ambassador Tomáš Boček, is conducting a fact-finding mission to camps in northern France on 12-13 September 2016. Mr Boček will visit the camps in Calais and Grande-Synthe and the Command and Control Centre in Calais. Meetings are scheduled with the representatives of the central government, the local authorities, the police, the UNHCR and local and international NGOs. This fact-finding visit will be followed in the coming weeks with trips to Paris and London to meet with relevant ministers and officials there.

The aim of the mission is to identify areas where Council of Europe can support France and the United Kingdom in their efforts to improve the situation of migrants and refugees in northern France and ensure that they continue to be treated in accordance with the Organisation’s human rights standards. The Special Representative will publish shortly a report with recommendations to this effect.

The Special Representative was appointed by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to gather information on the human rights situation of migrants and refugees and propose immediate assistance and support to member states.

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees Strasbourg 9 September 2016
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