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Protecting the rights of sex workers and improving their life conditions

Parliamentary Assembly 13 September 2024 Paris

The Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination, meeting on 12 September in Paris, has expressed its concern that sex workers continue to face stigmatisation, are vulnerable to violence and abuse, and face discrimination in access to education, employment, health, housing, justice and protection...

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Türkiye: concerns remain about the independence of the judiciary, prison conditions and the execution of the Court's judgments

Parliamentary Assembly 13 September 2024 Strasbourg

In an information note following his visit to Türkiye from 11 to 14 June 2024, Stefan Schennach, one of the co-rapporteurs on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Türkiye, expressed a number of concerns relating to the independence of the judiciary, prison conditions, the execution of...

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Monitoring Committee welcomes reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but says there is ‘insufficient progress in some areas’

Parliamentary Assembly 13 September 2024 Strasbourg

PACE’s Monitoring Committee has congratulated the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the pace of reforms since 2022 – but said it remains concerned about “the lack of, or insufficient, progress in some areas crucial for the functioning of democratic institutions”. Approving a draft...

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Council of Europe Bank committed to strengthening resilience of local communities

13 September 2024 Strasbourg, France

"Strengthening subnational governments’ capacity is a priority for the Council of Europe Bank, to scale up investments and social impact,” stressed the Bank’s Vice-Governor Tomáš Boček during...

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PACE delegation makes pre-electoral visit to the Republic of Moldova

Parliamentary Assembly 13 September 2024

A seven-member delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), led by Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir (Iceland, SOC), will make a pre-electoral visit to the Republic of Moldova on 17-18 September to assess the election campaign and political climate prior to the...

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Congress President meets Mayor of Istanbul

13 September 2024 Strasbourg, France

On 12 September 2024, Congress President Marc Cools met Ekrem Imamoglu, President of the Union of Turkish Municipalities and Mayor of Istanbul, on the occasion of the Conference of associations of local and regional authorities

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Carabinieri trained on ensuring public order in the electoral process ahead of presidential elections and constitutional referendum in Republic of Moldova - Electoral assistance

22-23 August 2024 Republic of Moldova

(Seulement en anglais) In preparation for the upcoming 2024 Presidential election and constitutional referendum in Moldova, approximately 80 carabinieri representing the General Inspectorate...

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Council of Europe contributed to the high-level ‘United for Justice’ Conference in Ukraine: Focus on Accountability for the Attacks against Civilian Objects

11 September 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 11 September 2024, the Council of Europe supported the international high-level expert conference ‘United for Justice: Accountability for Attacks Against Civilian Objects’, held in Kyiv,.... Latest news from the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law

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Updating the European Youth Foundation’s work after Reykjavik

Council of Europe 11-12 September 2024 Strasbourg

The European Youth Foundation (EYF) gathered partners, international and independent funders active in the field of youth and member of the Council of Europe Joint Council on Youth in Strasbourg to chart the way to updating the Foundation’s work. The European Youth Foundation is a unique, agile...

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Las autoridades locales y regionales tienen un rol crucial a la hora de construir sociedades democráticas resilientes: conferencia organizada por el Congreso del Consejo de Europa

Secretario general adjunto 12 Septiembre 2024 Estrasburgo

El papel de las autoridades locales y regionales a la hora de responder eficazmente a los desafíos que afrontan las democracias europeas, de apoyar a Ucrania, proteger los derechos humanos, salvar el medioambiente y permitir la participación de los jóvenes, son los puntos centrales de una...

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Congress strengthens co-operation with the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils

Coungress 12 September 2024 Strasbourg

On 12 September 2024, on the margin of the Conference of National Associations of Local and Regional Authorities, the Congress signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils (UAROR) to increase co-operation and contribute to building...

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3rd meeting of the Bureau of the Bern Convention - Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats

10-12 September Strasbourg

The Bureau of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats held its third ordinary meeting of the year from 10 to 12 September 2024 in Strasbourg.

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La secretaria general participa en la cuarta cumbre de la Plataforma Internacional de Crimea

Secretaria general 12 Septiembre Estrasburgo

“Este año, 10 años después de la anexión ilegal por parte de la Federación de Rusia de la República Autónoma de Crimea y la ciudad de Sebastopol, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos ha emitido una sentencia unánime que afirma que Rusia ha cometido violaciones de los derechos humanos en la...

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Committee expresses deep concern at harsh treatment of Julian Assange, warns of its chilling effect for the press

Parliamentary Assembly 12 September 2024 Strasbourg

PACE’s Legal Affairs Committee has warmly welcomed the release of Julian Assange but expressed deep concern at “the disproportionately harsh treatment” he faced, and called on the US to investigate the alleged war crimes and human rights violations disclosed by him and Wikileaks. Approving a...

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Commissioner O’Flaherty held a consultation meeting on the human rights of Roma and Travellers in the Council of Europe area

Commissioner for Human Rights 11 September 2024 Strasbourg

On 9 and 10 September in Strasbourg, Commissioner O’Flaherty convened a consultation meeting with experts working on the human rights of Roma and Travellers. The discussions...

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Award of the 2024 Václav Havel Prize a highlight of the PACE autumn session

Parliamentary Assembly 10 September 2024 Strasbourg

The award ceremony for the 2024 Václav Havel Prize – which honours outstanding human rights defenders worldwide – will be a highlight of the autumn session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), to be held in Strasbourg from 30 September to 4 October 2024. An overall...

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Committee denounces the human rights situation in Iran and calls for strengthening the protection of Iranians in Europe

Parliamentary Assembly 10 September 2024 Paris

The Political Affairs Committee, meeting on 9 September in Paris, expressed its concern about the persecution of human rights defenders in Iran and abroad by the Iranian regime. The report by Max Lucks (Germany, SOC), adopted by the committee, underlines that many Iranians in exile in Europe, and...

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El Consejo de Europa insta a que se refuerce la cooperación internacional contra el tráfico ilícito de migrantes

Consejo de Europa 10 Septiembre 2024 Estrasburgo

En la 2ª Conferencia Internacional sobre el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes, organizada por el Consejo de Europa en Estrasburgo, se ha instado a sus 46 Estados miembros a que exploren todas las vías para reforzar la cooperación internacional. En su discurso de apertura, la secretaria general del...

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El Parlamento georgiano no debería aprobar una ley anti-LGBTI y debería abstenerse de utilizar una retórica estigmatizadora

Comisario de Derechos Humanos 10 Septiembre 2024 Estrasburgo

El comisario de Derechos Humanos del Consejo de Europa, Michael O'Flaherty, ha enviado una carta al presidente del Parlamento de Georgia en la que pide a los diputados que se abstengan de aprobar el proyecto de ley sobre la «protección de los valores familiares y de los menores», aprobado en...

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Austria: GREVIO señala avances, pero es necesario reformar el derecho de familia relacionados con la violencia doméstica

Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) 10 september 2024 Strasbourg

En un nuevo informe temático publicado por el Grupo de expertos sobre acción contra la violencia contra las mujeres y la violencia doméstica (GREVIO) felicita a las autoridades austríacas por haber tomado medidas para seguir adaptando su legislación a los requisitos del Convenio del Consejo de...

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