Takaisin Music of Words - Odessa


In 2021, ICC Odesa launched an inspiring new annual initiative, the literary and musical Festival "Music of Words", to celebrate the variety of artistic expressions and creative arts that coexist in the city. 2021’s festival took place on 19-21 March, and celebrated music and poetry, as well as the ethnocultural diversity of the authors of the selected pieces. The works of classical and contemporary poets and musicians, including pieces of Bulgarian, Polish, French, Gagauz, and Greek artists - were presented in their original languages. Some of the performances showed non-traditional ways of presenting art. Participants included cities around the world, some of which are also members of the Intercultural Cities Programme. Guests from Krakow and Wroclaw (Poland), Brussels (Belgium), Sala Comacina (Italy), Wonju (South Korea), Nanjing (China), Quebec (Canada), Iowa (USA), and Ulyanovsk (Russia) highlighted the importance of intercultural artistic encounters and the benefits of diverse creative expressions for communities and individuals, regardless of their nationality, language or religion.

In 2019 Odesa was awarded membership in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network as a city that has always promoted inter-arts and intercultural cooperation between people and communities and invested in culture and creativity recognizing these domains as stimuli for the sustainable development of the city. The Music of Words Festival is yet another initiative to encourage Odesa’s citizens to meet, get to know each other and celebrate their creativity and diversity.

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