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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

The anti-radicalisation programme

Norway Bergen 2015-2020 / 2021-25

Purpose: The aim of the programme is to prevent radicalisation, hate crimes and violent extremism. Through providing correct information, the municipality endeavours to avoid religious...

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Inclusive Public services

United Kingdom Bradford 2022

Purpose: Ensuring inclusive public services for newcomers Stimulus/Rationale: The Bradford for Everyone strategy is based on everyone in Bradford being valuable and that everyone is enriched and...

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BragaIncoming Programme

Portugal Braga 2018

Purpose: In 2018 the city of Braga launched the “Bragalncoming Programme”, a digital tool that aims to help newcomers (those that come either to live, to visit or invest) with much-needed...

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Table on Interreligious dialogue

Spain Salt Since 2009

Purpose: The main focus of the Interreligious Table is to improve the knowledge and recognition of the city’s religious plurality. In addition, the Table organises events and initiatives to promote...

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Small Theater – Great Place for Inspiration

Ukraine Pavlograd 2015-2020

Purpose: The “small theatre -a great place for inspiration” improves community engagement through arts and culture as well as leisure and heritage. Process: The social and cultural atmosphere...

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Local Forum for religious diversity

Spain Bilbao ongoing

Since 2012, the Local forum for religious diversity promotes the exercise of freedom of conscience and religion in a context of citizens’ coexistence in diversity and in human rights’ promotion....

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Anissa programme

Spain Barcelona Since 2014

Purpose: The Annisa programme is a project focused on the participation and interaction of Pakistani communities and the Besós neighbourhood in the district of Sant Martí. The programme is funded...

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Spain Barcelona Since 2017

Purpose: #BCNvsODI is nowadays a platform for dissemination and awareness-raising in the fight against hate speech, both online and offline, with information, materials and pedagogical, informative...

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Listening Circles on ‘Race’, Racism, and Inequalities

United Kingdom Kirklees 2020

Purpose: Kirklees Council has identified and pursued the potential in Listening Circles to contribute to addressing systemic discrimination. Listening Circles are to provide time and a safe space...

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An Equality Infrastructure

Mexico Mexico

Concept Mexico City has established an internal infrastructure to express and sustain its commitment to equality and non-discrimination. This encompasses a Constitution for the City of Mexico...

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Complaints of Discrimination

Switzerland Geneva

Concept The City of Geneva funds and works with the Centre – Écoute contre le Racisme (C-ECR), which defends, advises and assists people affected by racism. The Center-Écoute contre le Racisme is...

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The Intercultural acceptance survey to build intercultural competence skills

South Korea Ansan 2020

The Republic of Korea conducts a triannual survey of locals on their intercultural acceptance. The findings from the survey serve as reference data for policy development. To ensure even more...

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Promoting multilingualism in a multicultural city

South Korea Ansan 2020

Ansan City offers Korean language education for non-nationals. The city itself runs Korean language education programmes while commissioning private organisations to complete the offer. There is a...

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Planned and Systematic Approach to Equality

Ireland Galway 2019 onwards

Purpose: Galway City Council (GCC) is progressing a planned and systematic approach to equality and human rights. This is based on developing an internal infrastructure to drive its implementation...

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Reinvigorating Employee Networks

United Kingdom Kirklees

Purpose: Kirklees Council has identified that equality related employee networks play an important role in informing decision-making and enabling innovation. In doing so, they contribute to...

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Conscious Inclusion

United Kingdom Camden

Concept Camden Council has adopted a process of ‘Conscious Inclusion’ to ensure all staff ‘can be their best self at work’. The approach taken involves a focus on leadership, staff, and systems in...

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Research Circles

Sweden Botkyrka

Concept A research circle is a methodology to enable in-depth, participative, and longer-term examination of an issue. It was piloted in Botkyrka to examine issues of racism and discrimination, in...

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Anti-Racism as an Urban Common

Italy Turin 2016

Purpose: The concept of “the commons” draws from the English legal term for common land and traditionally refers to shared resources held in common. The commons tend to be understood as material...

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An international policy in Leeds

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

Leeds have a policy to encourage international cooperation in economic, scientific, cultural, or other areas. The policy further has a specific financial provision and the city actively takes...

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Housing policy in Leeds

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

Creating sustainable communities is one of the six Leeds Housing Strategy themes. Housing Leeds officers have worked with community based Housing Advisory Panels to support a number of...

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