Atzealdea The new ICC Index is now online!

The new ICC Index is now online!

Cities participating in the Intercultural Cities Network receive, among other services, an expert review of their diversity inclusion policies. The analyses is based on the ICC Index, a bench-learning tool evaluated as being consistent and highly effective by the Migration Policy Group in a Study released in January 2018.

Yet, the ICC network is exponentially growing, gathering more and more cities that are testing and implementing different policy approaches whose results needs to be better assessed, disseminated and exploited. To this end, the ICC Index underwent a technical review to make it even more relevant to the work of the cities enabling, among others, better comparison of results.

The new Index questionnaire is more easy-to-read and to understand thanks to the addition of short concrete examples that illustrate the actions required for a policy to be intercultural. Moreover, it keeps comparison between the revised database and previous versions while introducing smaller sampling scales to enable cities to compare own results with the most similar realities. The core index of 10 policies areas remained intact, but two optional areas for evaluating policies in the fields of “Participation” and “Interaction” have been added for cities that are working on it.

Finally, a short methodological guide has been prepared to help respondents understand how to use the Index not only as a reporting/monitoring tool, but as a discussion starter between different units within the city services, something that is pivotal to cut the silos within the administration. It is expected that the new guide will help cities to conceive the filling of the Index as a process, rather than a task, and to do it in a more transversal way, involving all concerned departments.

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