Επιστροφή Improving equality data collection in Belgium

The equality data strategy responds to the imperative for a precise picture of reality, an evidence base, to be available if policy solutions to inequality are to be effectively designed and advanced.


Unia, an equality body and a national human rights institution in Belgium, in partnership with the Equal Opportunities Team of the Federal Public Service for Justice, implemented an initiative to improve the use and collection of equality data in Belgium.

The participatory approach taken involved public institutions, civil society organisations, and universities in an advisory committee. A survey and interviews with experts to gather information on equality data sources further expanded this participation.


A mapping of existing equality data sources was the first key output of the project. A survey and interviews were deployed to establish an overview of existing equality data sources in Belgium.

A report was then prepared. This analysed the mapping exercise to identify gaps in data sources, and made recommendations for further steps required.


An online equality data hub was developed to centralise the equality data sources identified and to make them more accessible to the broad public and relevant stakeholders. This allows for an easy and accessible search of these equality data sources by:

  • different criteria: nationality, skin colour, origin/migration history/descent/other racial criteria, religious/philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics.
  • different domains: employment, education, health, housing, justice and police, media, and other.


Deployment involves steps to:

  • use the data hub: this involves putting the data sources into action across all domains and categories.
  • update the data hub: newly published sources must be included; the range of categories covered needs to be expanded, such as disability; and attention needs to be given to intersectionality.
  • create more awareness about the legal framework for equality data collection.

There is a need to develop a long-term coordinated approach to equality data collection, including the establishment of a consultative body on equality data to: develop a coordinated and structural strategy; provide a meeting point for data producers and users across public institutions, academia and civil society; and sustain the participative approach.

The minimal conditions for equality data collection need promotion: respect for privacy, participation of the groups concerned, precise purposes, appropriate methods, ensuring transparency, being accountable, building and maintaining trust, and self-identification as a goal.

Key reference documents: Online data hub available at: https://www.equalitydata.unia.be/nl/. Project report (Fr): Final Report: Improving equality data collection in Belgium, Unia & Federal Public Service for Justice, 2021.

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