Назад The Fusion Market (“Mercado de Fusão”)

Purpose: In one of the areas of Lisbon with most foreign communities, the Fusion Market brings people from diverse origins closer together via a journey through its typical flavours.

Stimulus/RationaleThe traditional historical neighbourhood of Mouraria was requalified for over one year, between 2011 and 2012. One of the main richness of this area is the cultural diversity of its inhabitants. In order to enhance the Diversity Advantage and promote Intercultural Interaction, the Martin Moniz square was transformed into the Fusion Market that now  brings together various tastes and sounds from around the world, with over ten food stalls serving freshly prepared street food from all continents and the square offering a space for music and cinema. This square was previously only used by migrant communities and people of diverse origins for its well known ethnic shops and businesses, and not by the general public and tourists.

Process: The market is open every day of the week and is a popular leisure space for both locals and tourists. Next to music and food, it also hosts cultural/educational events, such as workshops and exhibitions.

The stalls that stood here have thus been turned into small fast food restaurants selling food from countries as different as Argentina, Brazil, Bangladesh, China and Japan. Of course Africa and Portugal also occupy a central place in this square full of initiatives and events.

Impact: The Fusion Market was set up as an initiative to counter the negative reputation of the square, located in a segregated and deprived area of Lisbon where many migrants reside. Today it has become an intercultural experience, attracting people from all over the city and beyond. The migrant-owned businesses flourished and have expanded, several touristic tours now included this square in their visits, and new migrant-led visits are also available.

Key reference documents:




2012 - ongoing
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