Over 60 participants from all over the world joined the webinar on ‘Intercultural approaches to Roma and Traveller Inclusion for the local level’ on 27 April 2022. The webinar was prepared by the Intercultural Cities Programme in cooperation with the Roma and Travellers Team.
The very rich programme included speakers with experience in increasing Roma inclusion in their cities from Albania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom. There were presentations on good practice from the Intercultural Cities of Bradford (Roma Strategy 2021-25), and Barcelona (Council of Roma people). A graphic recording summarising the key elements of the webinar was prepared and can be found below, along with some of the presentations.
It was agreed that this exchange of experiences was of great interest and benefit for the participants, as well as for the speakers, and that the webinar should be repeated in the future.
Graphic recording of the webinar
Introduction to Council of Europe activities on Roma and Travellers inclusion
Mediators for Roma inclusion – good practices and recommendations
- Gorgi Peovski, Head of Department for Local Economic Development, Municipal contact point from Berovo, North Macedonia
- Matt Henderson, Project Support Officer, Bradford for Everyone, Roma Strategy 2021-2025, Intercultural City of Bradford, United Kingdom
Good practices on community participation of Roma and Travellers
- Alina Garleanu, Social Assistance Directorate, Focșani, Romania
- Boris Iliev, Community Action Group, Velingrad, Bulgaria
- Núria Serra i Busquets, Head of department, Interculturality and Religious Pluralism, Council of Roma people, Intercultural City of Barcelona
Inclusion through Roma responsive/participatory budgeting