Takaisin Nga Kete Akoranga (NKA)

Purpose: Promoting cultural competence amongst Auckland’s staff: A training programme for staff to respond effectively to Māori people.

Stimulus/Rationale: The implementation of a refreshed Ngā Kete Akoranga programme is key to developing a workforce that can respond to the needs and aspirations of Māori.


The Nga Kete Akoranga (NKA) is a programme of learning and development activities available to all Auckland Council staff. The programme builds staff capability to respond effectively to Māori and meet the strategic goals, policy directives and commitments to the Treaty of Waitangi. It includes a number of workshops, events and e-learning material which aim to achieve the following objectives:

Staff who have direct contact with or whose work impacts on mana whenua and the wider Māori community will have a basic cultural competency in understanding Māori values, beliefs, practices, and knowledge related to the Māori Responsiveness Framework;

Staff are confident to integrate Māori perspectives and values related to their work;

Staff understand the Māori priority outcome areas and are able give effect to these in their work;

Staff are supported to give effect to Māori outcomes.

Quality Māori responsiveness advice is also part of the Council’s Quality Advice Programme.

This training supports Council staff to assess the impacts their proposed programmes of work will have on Māori and provide thoughtful analysis of any impacts in their reporting to decision makers.


In 2021, the Tāmaki Makaurau Mana Whenua Forum commissioned a review of Ngā Kete Akoranga (NKA). In 2022, an independent review of Auckland Council’s engagement with Māori was undertaken and the ‘Beyond Obligation’ report came out. In response, Te Whakahaumanutanga o Ngā Kete Akoranga (the NKA refresh project) was commissioned.

As of May 2023, work had been completed on a framework that outlined required competencies for all leaders at the council based on seven agreed Māori kaupapa areas: Māori Outcomes at Council (strategy), Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau (history), te Tiriti, systems and worldviews, tikanga, te reo and engagement with Māori. Two new e-learning courses were being developed to fill course gaps and be part of the induction package for new starters at the council. The courses will be mandatory for all permanent council staff in the future.

Key reference documentsTe Pūrongo a Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori 2022/2023; Auckland Council Group Māori Outcomes Report 2022/2023

2018 onwards
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