Takaisin The role of libraries as drivers of integration and intercultural interaction

Public libraries can be a particularly helpful place for newcomers and play a key role in giving access to knowledge, remedying social inequalities and improving these people’s quality of life. Their aim is to offer universal access to information, knowledge, culture and leisure. Because of the services they provide, libraries are ideal places to encourage social inclusion and improve the ability of both newcomers and the host society to live together in harmony.

Public libraries thus play a central role in language learning. In Sherbrooke, they give reading kits to users that enable them to learn French through the medium of a range of languages. These take the form of bilingual novels written in French on one page and another language on the opposite page. The kits also contain four documents, three of which are accompanied by a compact disc and a laminated list. These documents are easy to read, with one part in the native language of users and the other in French as a second language to help them to learn French and thus integrate in Quebec.

Public libraries also offer books for children and adults in several languages (English, Spanish, German, Russian, Vietnamese, etc.) and bilingual novels. These collections enable readers of foreign origin to maintain their ties with their culture and also help to promote these cultures to other people.

Lastly, libraries sometimes offer story hours [French only] in various languages for the very young.

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