Training on equality data collection and analysis to prevent and address systemic discrimination
The Council of Europe has progressed a concern to address the issue of systemic discrimination, including in particular through the work of the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) and the Intercultural Cities programme. Equality data have an important contribution to make in addressing and preventing systemic discrimination, in particular given that this is a phenomenon that is often invisible and without apparent intent. This pilot online training course has been developed with a view to informing and supporting this focus on the role of equality data in enabling effective action on systemic discrimination.
What will you learn?
This online training course aims to:
- enable the understanding of users of the potential of equality data in responding to systemic discrimination, the issues in collecting and analysing equality data, and the need for and nature of targeted equality data initiatives alongside equality data strategies, at all levels of governance; and
- inform and enable action by users on the collection and analysis of equality data, in a manner that can advance effective responses to systemic discrimination.
The online course covers three modules:
- Module One: Equality Data – Purpose and Principles, which establishes the issue of systemic discrimination and explores the potential roles for equality data collection and analysis in addressing this issue, and the challenges in this.
- Module Two: Targeted Equality Data Initiatives, which explores a developmental approach to engaging with communities in generating and learning from equality data.
- Module Three: An Equality Data Strategy, which explores an institutional approach to realising ongoing and systematic collection, analysis and use of equality data to inform and shape policy and programme development.
Who can benefit from this training?
The target audience for this initiative encompasses stakeholders engaged in:
- progressing the policy cycle of: policy thinking; policy making; policy implementation; and policy monitoring and evaluation; and
- data collection and management, and undertaking research and data analysis.
These stakeholders include staff from public policy institutions, statistical and research institutions, academia, and civil society organisations, at the national, regional, and local levels of governance.
How does it work?
All modules include:
- a video delivering targeted knowledge.
- good practice examples (except for the first module) delivering practical and inspirational examples of how peers have gone about addressing specific issues.
- food for thought exercises aiming at initiating reflexion based on the knowledge acquired through the video and the inspiration from the good practice examples. To be carried out independently or in a group setting.
- quiz questions to test the knowledge aquired. In each quiz there is one correct answer. Please choose the answer option which best corresponds to the question. You will receive the correct answers and feedback after each question.
- a checklist to guide the reflexion of those involved with carrying out work on the topic and assess it.
- key reference documents suggested for further reading.
A sequencing is proposed for the different elements of the training and each module takes about one hour to complete. However, participants are free to move between modules and to access the materials separately should they wish to do so.
The participation in the course is anonymous and participation is free for all. There is no certificate of completion for this course.