Takaisin High-Level Conference on Human Rights in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

High-Level Conference on Human Rights in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

A conference on Human Rights in the Era of AI – Europe as International Standard Setter for Artificial Intelligence is being held on Wednesday 20 January. Jointly organised by the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, in cooperation with the Council of Europe, the event is part of Germany’s Presidency of the Committee of Ministers.

The conference will be livestreamed on www.germanycoe.de from 1.00 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. (CET) and interpreted from/into English, French and German.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) impacts people’s everyday lives around the world. The Council of Europe plays a key role in setting internationally binding standards for safeguarding human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the age of AI. Discussions at the conference will focus on issues including the impact of AI on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, as well as the feasibility and finer details of a future legal framework for AI.

 Detailed programme

German Presidency Strasbourg 14 January 2021
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